Hung Yen Turmeric Serum x2.2 30ml

Hung Yen Turmeric Serum x2.2 30ml


Product desciption

Extracted from Hung Yen turmeric and fortified with potent active components, including a stable 22% EAA vitamin C derivative, 1% hexylresorcinol, and 4% vitamin B3, this formulation is designed to brighten the skin and highly recommend for diminish dark spots. The result is a more uniform complexion that exudes visible radiance.

Product Benefits

✓ Effectively lightens dark, tanned, and sunburned skin.
✓ Addresses dark spots and red marks left by acne.
✓ Antioxidants contribute to preventing skin aging.
✓ Enhances skin texture, promoting a smooth and luminous appearance.

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