Hung Yen Turmeric Face Mask
$20.00 – $40.00
★★★★★ 0.0/5
Product desciption
A turmeric face mask, enriched with curcuminoid-rich turmeric powder, vitamin B3, and oat extract, is designed for individuals with dull skin and dark spots. Upon rinsing, the mask imparts a revitalized, radiant, and even-toned complexion.
Product Benefits
✓ Enhances skin texture, promoting a smoother surface.
✓ Illuminates and restores essential moisture to the skin.
✓ Acts as an antioxidant and hinders melanin pigment production.
✓ Leaves the skin vibrant, even, and glowing.
✓ The turmeric mask, incorporating crushed walnuts, provides a gentle massaging effect during cleansing, aiding in the removal of dead skin cells and promoting a smooth complexion without causing skin discoloration post-use.
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